Online tool aims to slash specialist waiting times

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A new website offers patients – with or without private health insurance – direct access to specialists.
A new website offers patients – with or without private health insurance – direct access to specialists.

Emergency departments across Victoria, and indeed Australia, are buckling under the weight of an oversupply of patients and an undersupply of specialists.

Patients are now waiting an average of three months for an initial appointment with a specialist, according to a recent Victorian government report 'Expert Panel on Waiting List Management'.

A Victorian man who has seen first-hand the pain and grief extended wait times can have on patients has taken it upon himself to mount a crusade to shake up the healthcare system and offer patients direct access to specialists.

"Often patients don't realise that they can make an appointment directly with a healthcare specialist," said Darren Lemin, founder and CEO of a groundbreaking new service,

"Even patients without private health insurance, can make appointments with a private specialist.

"There is just no need to wait, and once patients realise this, it can be a huge relief for them — especially if their health condition is serious."

Lemin and his team knew there had to be a better way to connect patients with leading healthcare specialists and thus avoid the wait, and was in his words "growing tired" of waiting for a workable system.

"What patients really want is a decent system that gives them fast access to qualified specialists without all the red tape, and that's what we've developed with the site

"A place where patients can link directly with specialists who are ready, willing and more than able to provide excellent quality healthcare in the shortest time frame possible."

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